Tuesday 15 October 2013

Hi I'm Al and I live in Bournemouth, UK.

 My girlfriend Sarah and I are about to embark on a trip to India and I'm starting this blog to document our travels. We leave on 22nd Oct and we are both very excited as it is our first time in India. We will be travelling out there with my friends Toby and Ulla and their son Alastair.

Sarah and I work(ed) with adults with autism until we decided to up sticks, we both love the job but felt the need for some adventuring. I had my last day today and we have just a week to go till we leave. We went to see our friends Sarah and Kieran today.


They are kitting out a van to live in at the moment. We went for lunch at a greasy spoon with them. I had a cheeseburger.

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