Monday 17 February 2014

We arrived in Ahmedabad in a similair manner to our arrival in Pune i.e. kicked out of the bus on the outskirts of town at about 6 am. We managed to find a hotel pretty easily though (don't want to tempt fate but I think we're getting better at this). After we had dropped our stuff off and got something to eat we headed off to Ghandi's ashram.

This is where Bapu spent th first 15 years of his struggle against the British and the march toward Indian independence. It was a real eye-opener as well as being a lovely way to spend an afternoon. The next day we checked out an old fort in the middle of the old town before taking a guided tour of the old mosques and temples in the area.

Our guide Jagdish even took us for a spot of lunch at his place. The next morning we just had time for a spot of breakfast before we had to catch a bus to Junagadh, our next chosen destination. The restaurant had a tree growing up through the middle of the floor, as well as mausoleums everywhere you looked.

We arrived in Junagadh just as the sun was going down. In front of us we saw Mount Girnar rising in the distance, a challenge if ever we saw one. 

 So we rose early the next morning and tackled the 10,000 steps to the top. It was actually more of a challenge getting back down, due to the amount of people stopping us and asking if they could take a picture. 

Later on we looked around Uperkot Fort in Junagadh town, and our tour guide Vinod asked us to dinner (bit of a theme emerging here), so we got to feast on some authentic Gujrati fare for the second time in three days.

The well at Uperkot fort

Vinod and his friend Uday

That was it for our Junagadh adventure, it was a lively little place but we had found the last week or so pretty hectic, so we headed off for the island enclave of Diu, another ex-Portuguese colony like Goa, but much smaller and without the hippies.

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